June 20, 2006
in and out
had to edit the post cos it looked too haphazard and i'm one who can't stand erraticism and mess.
okay, i take the mess back, i'm a stickler for being neat on lotsa things but not my room.
anyway i've been swamped. ugh.
and i'm taking part in a 5km run. yes, 5km and not the 10km cos it'll be too late to actually start training for the latter. i'm very unfit and the last time i actually ran more than a km was from toowong to milton along the river in spring. i swear, nothing, absolutely nothing beats that.
so i've started training for the run.
am starting slow cos the body really needs to be accustomed to the humidity and the distance after more than a year of being a sloth and a pig - a sloink.
so i walked 2.5km last night and ran 0.5km in under 30 mins.
i hope to be able to run at least 1km tomorrow, and then 2 km next.
so by next month, i should be able to actually run the race, survive and not embarrass myself.
i cant believe i used to be really active (read: > 10 years ago) and look at me now - a sloink. erm, but no, i do not want to look the way i did then. nightmare! i'd like not to remember what i looked like then but too bad, there're such things as photos to embarrass me when i least expect it.
what the hell, i've spent more time blogging than doing actual work.
i win.
luv, tash 6:52 PM
June 13, 2006
date & time of headache: 13.06.06 0842hrs
impact: mild
intensity: moderate
medication taken: none
time to relief: not yet
triggers: not sure. i bent over this morning and it hit me. i hadn't even had anything to eat!
comments: headache returned yesterday, and i thought it was the wisdom tooth causing all the pressure build-up. guess not. it sucks cos the pain gets really bad when my head goes below ear level. would love to give a spot of acupunture a try. mesti best. heh.
luv, tash 3:22 PM
June 09, 2006
arrau(se) your senses
one of the reasons why i love the piano.
the only instrument that actually moves me when played, especially by the greats.
watched a dvd featuring claudio arrau (a living legend) playing beethoven, and i cried.
yes, yes, i'm a wuss.
but really, i tear everytime i see really good piano playing.
here's what i mean:that's claudio arrau playing beethoven's appasionata 3rd movement, at 80.
he makes it look so effortless.
beautiful.i donnow how they make it all seem so effortless (practice, practice and more practice?) and really look like they're tickling the ivories, while my fingers look like they're drowning.
maybe it helps if one's got big palms so you can cover more keys?have yet to choose pieces for this semester's exams - chopin etudes? scarlatti sonatas? czerny (no way!)?
luv, tash 12:56 AM
June 05, 2006
what are the consequences of eating 4 half-boiled eggs in one morning?
do i have to swear off eggs for the next 4 days?
dang nammit.
this is wat i call gelojoh.
luv, tash 10:03 PM
June 02, 2006
good and bad news
it's such a dangerous time to be out and about now.
you can't walk anywhere without getting distracted with the sales going on.
now, the good news:
there's a mooks store at heeren!
i don't have to wait for pple from aus or the uk to get them for me anymore.
and the bad news:
it's way over-priced ($53 for a t-shirt)!
it also means i'm not special anymore.
boo ...
luv, tash 11:44 AM
pic of the moment
current repertoire
Cramer Studies 14
Mozkowski Etudes No. 9 in D minor
Scarlatti Sonata in D Kp.535
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Elfriede Jelinek's The Piano Teacher
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